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Synergy Material Technology

a new highway to Superhard Material Industry

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The term laser is an acronym for:
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
Nd:YAG (neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet) lasers are optically pumped using a flashtube or laser diodes and emit light with a wavelength of 1,064 nm (infrared). Pulsed Nd:YAG lasers operate in the so-called Q-switching mode where an optical switch is in the laser cavity. This switch opens when the neodymium ion population inversion reaches a maximum.
Lasers cut by focusing the laser output on or near the surface of the cut material. The laser burns away a portion of material when it cuts - the laser kerf.

LSC8220 Series

LSC8220 Series open

Technical Data
Laser typeNd:YAG solid laser
Light sourceSecond Generation 3 lamp amplifier
Beam divergence<2mrad
Pulse width100-150μs
Pulse energy3-8J
Output powerLSC8220A 130W
LSC8220B 220W
Total energy consumptionLSC8220A <7kW
LSC8220B <10kW

LSC6220 Series

LSC6220 Series front

Technical Data
Laser typeNd:YAG solid laser
Light source3 lamp amplifier
Beam divergence<2mrad
Pulse width100-150μs
Pulse energy3-5J
Output powerLSC6220A 120W
LSC6220B 200W
Total energy consumptionLSC6220A <7kW
LSC6220B <10kW
CoolingWater circulation

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Room 301, 3/F
222 Queen's Road,
Central, Hong Kong

+852 2882 1163
+852 2882 9168